Cooldown Speed
Every CryptoKitty knows that making babies is hard work. As a result, your Kitty needs time to rest after it breeds. This is called the Kitty’s cooldown. The more kittens a Kitty has, the longer it needs to rest between breedings.
A Kitty is born with a cooldown speed determined solely by the Kitty’s generation number; genetics have nothing to do with it. The lower the Kitty’s generation, the faster its initial cooldown. Every time the Kitty breeds, its cooldown period lasts longer. (To determine a Kitty’s exact cooldown speed, check out the chart below.)
To sum up:
Cooldown is not based on traits. It’s based solely on a Kitty’s generation.
Lower generation Kitties are always born with faster cooldown speeds.
Every time a Kitty breeds, its cooldown period increases.
The chart of charts
Here’s how to determine the cooldown speed of any Kitty! Find the generation of your Kitty on the left. Then move down one row for each offspring the Kitty has had. The column in the middle tells you the current cooldown of that Kitty.
Generation | Cooldown | Cooldown Time |
0, 1 | fast | 1 minute |
2, 3 | swift | 2 minutes |
4,5 | swift | 5 minutes |
6, 7 | snappy | 10 minutes |
8, 9 | snappy | 30 minutes |
10, 11 | brisk | 1 hour |
12, 13 | brisk | 2 hours |
14, 15 | plodding | 4 hours |
16, 17 | plodding | 8 hours |
18, 19 | slow | 16 hours |
20, 21 | slow | 24 hours |
22, 23 | sluggish | 2 days |
24, 25 | sluggish | 4 days |
26+ | catatonic | 1 week |
This is Cathy. She’s a Gen 11 Kitty, and has had 3 offspring.
She was born with a 1-hr (Brisk) cooldown, but now she is at an 8-hr (Plodding) cooldown.
Gen | Offspring | Cooldown | Cooldown Time |
0, 1 | fast | 1 minute | |
2, 3 | swift | 2 minutes | |
4,5 | swift | 5 minutes | |
6, 7 | snappy | 10 minutes | |
8, 9 | snappy | 30 minutes | |
10, 11 | 0 | brisk | 1 hour |
12, 13 | 1 | brisk | 2 hours |
14, 15 | 2 | plodding | 4 hours |
16, 17 | 3 | plodding | 8 hours |
18, 19 | slow | 16 hours | |
20, 21 | slow | 24 hours | |
22, 23 | sluggish | 2 days | |
24, 25 | sluggish | 4 days | |
26+ | catatonic | 1 week |
It’s as simple as that! Happy breeding!
Last updated